Groovy Girls Go……..All Eyes on the Prize

Groovy Girls Go………..All Eyes on the Prize The world’s eyes are on Boston. No matter if you’ve ever been there or not, after the 2013 Marathon, everyone knows Boylston Street. I know it well. I’ve walked the street, I’ve ran the street, I’ve shed tears on that street, I’ve smiled and hugged on that street, […]

Groovy Girls Go……Satisfying A Crave

I have found, that as I get older, I really crave the friendship and support of other ladies. Especially in these last two years of my life. I want to find ‘girls’ that are supportive, can laugh at themselves, can laugh at each other, run, jump, climb, slip, drink wine, and live life. As I […]

Groovy Girls Go……..Bee-Bopping-Along

I can go either way when it comes to music on a run.  Some days I want to enjoy the sounds of nature, the rhythm of my breathe, the slap of my shoes…….other days I want to rock out to something completely inappropriate that I could In-No-Way-Listen-To-While-In-The-Car-With-Montana! The winter here in Michigan has also been […]

Groovy Girls run routes that we will never run again…

When the best run and the worst run collide, you knows there’s going to be a great story! This was just that running perfect storm that most literally happened while in the eye of a Winter Snow and Rain Storm that when through, left 10″ of snow across the Metro Detroit area and puddles just […]

Long run…..road trip!

This time Kacey couldn’t help but make a few comments, she got the italics this time! Long run….road trip! A destination run, when you’ve done 30 miles on a treadmill, is like a mini-vacation!  Especially when you know the company is going to be great too! When you meet a new friend at mile 8 […]

Just another speed session in a blizzard….

It was Superbowl Sunday.  We spent our early morning standing in the 10 degree weather handing out water to runners at the Superbowl 5k…..runners who, for the most part it turns out, didn’t actually want our water that was quickly turning into ice in the cups….our plan was to get our run in after our assigned […]