Groovy Girls Go……..To The Library

Groovy Girls Go…….. To The Library One way to up your game, be it in running or life, is to read about those who do what you love, only better! I’d be a not-truth-teller if I said I prefer reading over actually talking with those who know more than me, but I settle for reading […]

Sometimes it all comes together….other days not so much!

As I mentioned I don’t talk too much about my training in specifics, one of the reasons is that I see some other bloggers talking about splits for speed work or tempo runs (and I absolutely get why they do it….sometimes it is difficult to discuss a workout without mentioning pace) however I feel like […]

The five year comeback….

Kacey told me that I should document (for the sake of history!) my journey and comeback to marathon running….it was a long and torturous path…so bear with me for it may be a long and tortorous post! This story begins with the Marathon that we do not name! This has become kind of a joke, […]

“That’s some fast running” she said….

First of all with all of this flying pig talk have you seen this Geico commercial? It makes me chuckle every time I hear the pig say “did she seriously just say that?” Anyway……. As I mentioned during our vacation I took the opportunity in the warmer weather to kick off training for The Flying […]