Chicago Marathon…how to spectate well!

I am so excited for the Chicago Marathon again this year, and extra excited that my parents have decided to fly in (all the way from the UK!) to watch! So I started thinking about spectating tips at large marathons (some of these tips and ideas are specific to Chicago but most – if not […]

Groovy Girls Go …. To The Windy City

Katherine’s post on spectating the Chicago marathon brought back all of my own memories of the Chicago marathon……. Chicago is “flat and fast” and gets a lot of attention for it’s well put on and extremely popular Marathon.  My own personal opinion is that its a great destination place for a first time marathoner or […]

Groovy girls know….

First of all we KNOW that we owe you all kinds of catch up! Race reports, those race prep tips posts that I delusionally thought I’d have tons of time to post in the week before the marathon…not to mention the fun details of our weekend in Cincinnati with the girls…plus I hear Montana has some stories […]

Race the Train 2012

I was recently asked to talk to a freelance journalist working on an article for Women’s Running magazine about my experience as a US participant in last years Race the Train….yeah we are just going to pretend that things like that happen ALL THE TIME! 😉 Anyway, thinking about the race, the training and the […]